
IR Omnibus Bill entrenches ‘permanent casual’ rort in mining

Submission by the Mining & Energy Union – February 2021

The Miners Union will today give evidence at a Senate Inquiry about how the Federal Government’s IR Omnibus Bill exacerbates rampant casualisation in the mining industry.

The Mining & Energy Union’s Mining Division’s submission to the IR Omnibus Bill Senate Inquiry beginning today in Townsville says the Bill gives big mining and labour hire companies a free pass to continue exploiting casuals in roles that are in practice full-time.

Download the submission here.

Wage-cutting strategies in the mining industry: the cost to workers and communities – 2020

A  report by the McKell Institute has found that hundreds of millions of dollars is being lost from key mining region economies every year as a result of the widespread replacement of permanent mining jobs with outsourced labour hire.
It examines three coal regions in Australia with the highest proportion of mining jobs, finding the direct and indirect economic impacts of the lower wages paid to labour hire workers is up to $825 million a year.

Download the report here.

Automation in Queensland Coal

Discussion paper – December 2019

BHP has announced it will introduce autonomous trucks at its Goonyella Riverside coal mine in Queensland’s Bowen Basin.
This is the first major deployment of automated trucks in the Queensland coal industry and other mines and operators are likely to follow suit.

This Queensland District discussion paper looks at the issues, lessons from the Pilbara and the Union’s asks of state and federal and government.

Download discussion paper here.

Energy, Mining and Climate: Fact and Fiction

Speech to Sydney Institute by Tony Maher – 27 November 2019

National President Tony Maher said in a speech delivered to the Sydney Institute: ‘As leader of the union representing Australian coal miners and power workers, the climate challenge has been on my radar for a very long time. There is so much at stake for members, their families and communities in getting climate policy right. So it is beyond disheartening to witness the destruction of good policy and the degradation of the debate over the past decade.

Download the speech transcript here.

Submission to Productivity Inquiry

Productivity Commission Inquiry published October 2019

Submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Resources Sector Regulation – October 2019.
Download the submission here.
Download Terms of Reference here.

Queensland Safety Survey

Safety Survey published July 2019

Declining job security in coal mining has been identified as a major mine safety risk factor in a new survey of over 1,000 Queensland coal miners.
Download the survey here.

The impact of labour hire on regional communities

Submission by the Mining & Energy Union – November 2018

The House of Representatives Standing Committee for Industry, Innovation, Science and Resources – Inquiry into how the Mining Sector can support business in regional communities.
Download the report here.

Black Lung Disease (Pneumoconiosis)

What is Mine Dust Lung Disease?

  • Black lung (coal workers’ pneumoconiosis): dust causes scarring of the lung and inflammation that is visible as masses on an x-ray
  • Silicosis: is a type of pneumoconiosis caused by the inhalation of silica rich dust
  • Emphysema: Dust damages the lung air sacs, making it difficult to breathe
  • Chronic obstructive airways disease: comprises chronic bronchitis and emphysema

Black Lung was never eradicated. It was here all along. But why did it appear to be eradicated? In the 1960s, a system was set up to monitor health issues affecting coalmine workers, but that system has broken down as governments and businesses fail to limit dust levels or carry out health checks for workers. As a result, dust levels in some coal mines are way above the legal limit.

Download the inquiry into re-identification of Black Lung Disease.
Download the QLD Government’s response into the inquiry.
Visit the Dust-To-Dust Black Lung Disease website.

Miners Health Matters

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